qué (no) es arte con máquina de escribir




Máquinas post_concretas:
        hacia una cartografía afectiva desde el arte con máquina de escribir

Expanded Poetry:The Poetics and Politics of Repetition


líneas en tierra / lines in land

lines in land
a collection of Mexican poems

líneas en tierra / lines in land  is a bespoke e-publication produced by Australian Poetry in partnership with the Digital Writers’ Festival 2019. Edited by Tamryn Bennett and Guillermo Bátiz, it showcases selected poems by nine contemporary Mexican poets, including the Mexican-born Bátiz. Beyond borders, walls and masks, this bi-lingual collection celebrates a myriad of contemporary voices that widen the ways we read ‘land’ and the languages of place. Publisher is Jacinta Le Plastrier. The co-presented DWF 2019 event (from 29/10/2019) marks the launch of both the digital-only anthology and an accompanying creative audio-visual clip produced in Mexico City and featuring the guest editors and poets Mónica Nepote and Diego Espiritu.